storyboard for trailer 1


a family. sat in their living room, parent 1  scrolling through the channels, parent 2 falling asleep, their daughter or son scrolling through Instagram, all collectively looking bored. Parent 1 stops on channel number 666, Screamathon. The start of the trailer plays, heavy breathing, they see a girl running.
The family are now paying attention.

location 1 
a family home 

Pan - around the living room showing the the family looking bored,the teenager on their phone scrolling through Instagram and one parent falling asleep,the pan finishing on the other parent flicking through the TV channels trying to to find something to watch. (the clicking of the remote being a dominant sound)

Pan- up from the floor to the remote clicking, dominant sound,background sound of the TV changing channels

Over the Shoulder Shot - from behind the sofa (seeing the tops of the families heads) zooming in on the TV stopping on the trailer for the SCREAMathon channel.

location 2
clips from adverts 3 and 4

Close up - puddle, foot runs through puddle (emphasis of sound of splash)

location 1 
a family home 

Mid shot - teenage girl looks up from her phone to watch the trailer

location 2
clips from adverts 3 and 4

long shot - the girl runs out of shot to the left and murder walks in from the right

close up - the murderers face (no expression) Abrupt scream

location 1 
a family home

mid shot - the parents turn from the TV to look at their teenage daughter who screamed (awkward silence) one of them asks "what was that for?" or "why did you scream?"

mid shot - the girl  says "sorry"  turns back to the TV  

mid shot - from angle of the position of the TV ducks behind a pillow

last 2or 3 seconds saying channel name


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