
Showing posts from December, 2020

storyboard for trailer advert 3 and 4

  location 1- an open field with a forest in the close distance close up - a puddle in the field (for around a second), a foot runs through the puddle (emphasis on the sound of the splash) close up  - a mouth breathing heavily, (you can tell they are running)(emphasis on the breathing sounds) long shot - we now see the girl running, she looks back and runs out of frame to the left long shot - from the right another person walks into the shot, walking at a normal pace, holding a knife in their hand close up   - the murderers face (no expression) POV shot - the murder/the person walking, see the girl running in the distance location 2 -  the forest (from in the distance of location 1) long shot - the girl trips over (a rock or branches) entering the woods ( close up - cut of girl on leg ) POV shot - we see the murder has caught up with the girl POV shot - looking down at the girl on the floor trying to drag herself away ( saying: no no no no no) Low angle shot - see the murderer ra

storyboard for trailer 1

  a family. sat in their living room, parent 1  scrolling through the channels, parent 2 falling asleep, their daughter or son scrolling through Instagram, all collectively looking bored. Parent 1 stops on channel number 666, Screamathon. The start of the trailer plays, heavy breathing, they see a girl running. The family are now paying attention. location 1   a family home  Pan - around the living room showing the the family looking bored,the teenager on their phone scrolling through Instagram and one parent falling asleep,the pan finishing on the other parent flicking through the TV channels trying to to find something to watch. (the clicking of the remote being a dominant sound)                                                                          Or Pan - up from the floor to the remote clicking, dominant sound,background sound of the TV changing channels Over the Shoulder Shot - from behind the sofa (seeing the tops of the families heads) zooming in on the TV stopping on the